Ed, Edd n Eddy

For the comics, see Cartoon Network Block Party (Comic).

Cartoon Network Block Party is a 2004 video game made for the Game Boy Advance. It is a Cartoon Network crossover game which features six Cartoon Network characters from four different series. The game is an arcade-style game similar to "Mario Party" where the player rolls to move on a playing board and depending on where the player lands performs certain actions, such as staying on that spot, moving a certain number of spaces, or playing a randomly-selected minigame. The main draw is the minigames; winning these is the key to winning the game. The game features four different playing boards (one from each series) and fourteen minigames. The main game mode is for up to four players, although it can be played against a single computer opponent. The minigame mode is single-player only.


Character Show Type
Eddy Ed, Edd n Eddy Playable character/Seen in two cutscenes
Sarah Ed, Edd n Eddy Playable character
Cow Cow and Chicken Playable character/Seen in two cutscenes
Chicken Cow and Chicken Playable character/Seen in two cutscenes
Johnny Bravo Johnny Bravo Playable character/Seen in two cutscenes
Courage Courage the Cowardly Dog Playable character/Seen in two cutscenes
Carl Johnny Bravo Player character in mini-game "Strike a Pose"/Seen in two cutscenes
Marie Ed, Edd n Eddy Non-playable character (vendor)
Lee Ed, Edd n Eddy Non-playable character (vendor)
May Ed, Edd n Eddy Non-playable character (vendor)
Red Guy (as "Mr. Slacksoff") Cow and Chicken Non-playable character (vendor)
Pops Johnny Bravo Non-playable character (vendor)
Master Hama Johnny Bravo Non-playable character (enemy)
Little Suzy (as "Susie") Johnny Bravo Non-playable character (enemy)
Katz (as "Dr. Katzenjammer") Courage the Cowardly Dog Non-playable character (vendor)/Seen (as Katz) in a cutscene
Ed Ed, Edd n Eddy Cutscene-only character
Edd Ed, Edd n Eddy Cutscene-only character
Nazz Ed, Edd n Eddy Cutscene-only character
Mom Cow and Chicken Cutscene-only character
Dad Cow and Chicken Cutscene-only character
Carl's Date Johnny Bravo Cutscene-only character
Muriel Courage the Cowardly Dog Cutscene-only character
Eustace Courage the Cowardly Dog Cutscene-only character

Game Boards[]

On each board, there are a number of spaces that can be landed on. Each of these spaces has a specific purpose:

  • Normal: No effect.
  • Movement: Player moves a certain number of spaces.
  • Purchase: Player has the opportunity to purchase something.
  • Minigame: All players are sent to play a minigame. The winner gets a reward that helps them towards winning the game.
  • Choice: Player gets to choose to take a different track on the board.
  • Roll: Roll again.
  • Reward: Receive a reward.
  • Effect: Something changes in the game.
  • Start: Starting square.

The Tater Farm[]

  • Show: Cow and Chicken
  • Purpose: "In order to win the Tater Farm board, you must be the first player to collect four porkbutts, then reach the start space! Good luck!
  • Spaces on Board: 33 (main track), 29 (shortest route), 48 (all tracks).
  • Minigame Rewards: 1 porkbutt or 15 taters, depending on minigame.

Track A

Board space Type Effect
1 Normal No effect
2 Movement Move forward two spaces
3 Normal No effect
4 Minigame Play a minigame
5 Reward Receive 5 taters
6 Roll Roll again
7 Minigame Play a minigame
8 Normal No effect
9 Movement Move back three spaces
10 Reward Receive 5 taters
11 Minigame Play a minigame
12 Movement Move forward four spaces
13 Normal No effect
14 Purchase Pay Red Guy 50 taters to steal a porkbutt
Do nothing
15 Purchase Pay Red Guy 50 taters to steal a porkbutt
Do nothing
16 Purchase Pay Red Guy 50 taters to steal a porkbutt
Do nothing
17 Choice Choose to go to Track B
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, no effect
18 Movement Move forward five spaces
19 Minigame Play a minigame
20 Minigame Play a minigame
21 Roll Roll again
22 Minigame Play a minigame
23 Effect Initially, the traffic light is red
The first player to land on this space or on one of the two spaces in front of this space will turn the traffic light yellow
The second player to land on this space or on one of the two spaces in front of this space will turn the traffic light green and open the Tractor Grand Prix
All subsequent players landing on this space or on one of the two spaces in front of this space will be informed that the Tractor Grand Prix is open
24 Effect Initially, the traffic light is red
The first player to land on this space or on an adjacent space will turn the traffic light yellow
The second player to land on this space or on an adjacent space will turn the traffic light green and open the Tractor Grand Prix
All subsequent players landing on this space or on an adjacent space will be informed that the Tractor Grand Prix is open
25 Effect Initially, the traffic light is red
The first player to land on this space or on one of the two spaces behind this space will turn the traffic light yellow
The second player to land on this space or on one of the two spaces behind this space will turn the traffic light green and open the Tractor Grand Prix
All subsequent players landing on this space or on one of the two spaces behind this space will be informed that the Tractor Grand Prix is open
26 Reward Receive 5 taters
27 Roll Roll again
28 Normal No effect
29 Minigame Play a minigame
30 Movement Move forward one space
31 Choice/Movement Choose to go to Track C
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, move forward three spaces
32 Minigame Play a minigame
33 Start No effect
Win game if other prerequisites are completed

Track B

Board space Type Effect
1 Minigame Play a minigame
2 Movement Move forward two spaces
3 Normal No effect
4 Minigame Play a minigame

Track C

Board space Type Effect
1 Purchase Buy a porkbutt for fifty taters
Do nothing
2 Purchase Buy a porkbutt for fifty taters
Do nothing
3 Purchase Buy a porkbutt for fifty taters
Do nothing
4 Minigame Play a minigame
5 Choice/Effect Choose to go to Track D
Continue on Track C; if continuing on Track C, the tater grows
After the tater grows thrice, the next player to land on this space or on one of the next two spaces receives a reward of 20 taters
6 Effect The tater grows
After the tater grows thrice, the next player to land on this space or on one of the two adjacent spaces receives a reward of 20 taters
7 Effect The tater grows
After the tater grows thrice, the next player to land on this space or on one of the previous two spaces receives a reward of 20 taters

Track D

Board space Type Effect
1 Reward Receive 5 taters
2 Normal No effect
3 Minigame Play a minigame
4 Roll Roll again

Extreme Cul-de-Sac[]

  • Show: Ed, Edd n Eddy
  • Purpose: "In order to win the Extreme Cul-de-Sac, you must be the first player to collect three trophies and fifty dollars, then reach the start space! Good luck!"
  • Spaces on Board: 40 (main track), 27 (shortest route), 53 (all tracks).
  • Minigame Rewards: 1 trophy or $15, depending on minigame.

Track A

Board space Type Effect
1 Normal No effect
2 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 22A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
3 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 22A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
4 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 22A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
5 Movement Move back two spaces
6 Minigame Play a minigame
7 Reward Receive 5 dollars
8 Minigame Play a minigame
9 Normal No effect
10 Purchase Buy Zip Pass for $10
Do nothing
If a Zip Pass is already possessed, no effect
11 Purchase Buy Zip Pass for $10
Do nothing
If a Zip Pass is already possessed, no effect
12 Purchase Buy Zip Pass for $10
Do nothing
If a Zip Pass is already possessed, no effect
13 Roll Roll again
14 Normal No effect
15 Reward Receive 5 dollars
16 Choice/Movement Choose to move to Track B
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, move forward three spaces
17 Minigame Play a minigame
18 Normal No effect
19 Minigame Play a minigame
20 Reward Receive 5 dollars
21 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 3A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
22 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 3A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
23 Effect Use Zip Pass
Do nothing
If Zip Pass is used, player is transported to space 3A
If no Zip Pass is possessed, nothing happens
24 Movement Move back two spaces
25 Minigame Play a minigame
26 Movement Move forward two spaces
27 Reward Receive 5 dollars
28 Minigame Play a minigame
29 Roll Roll again
30 Normal No effect
31 Movement Move forward four spaces
32 Reward Receive 5 dollars
33 Movement Move forward three spaces
34 Reward Receive 5 dollars
35 Minigame Play a minigame
36 Movement Move forward four spaces
37 Normal No effect
38 Reward Receive 5 dollars
39 Minigame Play a minigame
40 Start No effect
Win game if other prerequisites are completed

Track B

Board space Type Effect
1 Normal No effect
2 Minigame Play a minigame
3 Normal No effect
4 Movement Move forward two spaces
5 Reward Receive 5 dollars
6 Choice/Minigame Choose to go to Track C
Continue on Track B; if continuing on track B, play a minigame
7 Purchase Teleport to start: $30
Steal trophy from other player: $50
Do nothing
8 Purchase Teleport to start: $30
Steal trophy from other player: $50
Do nothing
9 Purchase Teleport to start: $30
Steal trophy from other player: $50
Do nothing

Track C

Board space Type Effect
1 Roll Roll again
2 Minigame Play a minigame
3 Movement Move back two spaces
4 Normal No effect

Planet Johnnywood[]

  • Show: Johnny Bravo
  • Purpose: "In order to win the Planet Johnnywood board you must be the first player to collect a pie, hair goo, corn dog, and a black t-shirt, then reach the start space with at least $50! Good luck!"
  • Spaces on Board: 24 (with shortcut), 45 (full board).
  • Minigame Rewards: $15.
Board space Type Effect
1 Reward Receive 5 dollars
2 Purchase Buy a pie from Pops for $20
Do nothing
If a pie is already possessed, there is no effect
3 Purchase Buy a pie from Pops for $20
Do nothing
If a pie is already possessed, there is no effect
4 Purchase Buy a pie from Pops for $20
Do nothing
If a pie is already possessed, there is no effect
5 Normal No effect
6 Effect If bridge is up:
Choose to lower the bridge, creating a shortcut at board space 17
Do nothing.
If bridge is down:
Choose to raise the bridge, removing the shortcut at board space 17
Do nothing.
7 Effect If bridge is up:
Choose to lower the bridge, creating a shortcut at board space 17
Do nothing.
If bridge is down:
Choose to raise the bridge, removing the shortcut at board space 17
Do nothing.
8 Reward Receive 5 dollars
9 Movement Move forward two spaces
10 Minigame Play a minigame
11 Roll Roll again
12 Minigame Play a minigame
13 Purchase Buy a black t-shirt for $20
Do nothing
If a black t-shirt is already possessed, there is no effect
14 Purchase Buy a black t-shirt for $20
Do nothing
If a black t-shirt is already possessed, there is no effect
15 Effect Lose an item in the grate
If no items are on hand, nothing happens
16 Reward Receive 5 dollars
17 Choice/Minigame If bridge is down: Skip to space 38
Continue on
If bridge is up
If continuing on:
Play a minigame
18 Minigame Play a minigame
19 Movement Move back four spaces
20 Purchase Pay a $20 debt to Master Hama
Fight to keep your money
21 Purchase Pay a $20 debt to Master Hama
Fight to keep your money
22 Roll Roll again
23 Normal No effect
24 Minigame Play a minigame
25 Minigame Play a minigame
26 Minigame Play a minigame
27 Minigame Play a minigame
28 Movement Move forward four spaces
29 Minigame Play a minigame
30 Minigame Play a minigame
31 Movement Move back nine spaces
32 Effect If an item has been dropped down the grate, receive that item
If no items have been lost or the item in the reservoir has been collected, no effect
33 Movement Move forward four spaces
34 Effect Little Suzy "borrows" money
35 Effect Little Suzy "borrows" money
36 Purchase Buy hair goo for $25
Do nothing
If hair goo is already possessed, there is no effect
37 Purchase Buy hair goo for $25
Do nothing
If hair goo is already possessed, there is no effect
38 Reward Receive 5 dollars
39 Minigame Play a minigame
40 Purchase Buy a corn dog for $5
Do nothing
If a corn dog is already possessed, there is no effect
41 Purchase Buy a corn dog for $5
Do nothing
If a corn dog is already possessed, there is no effect
42 Minigame Play a minigame
43 Minigame Play a minigame
44 Movement Move back three spaces
45 Start No effect
Win game if other prerequisites are completed

Katz's Creepy Castle[]

  • Show: Courage the Cowardly Dog
  • Purpose: "In order to defeat Katz's Creepy Castle board you must be the first player to collect three spiders and 75 cobwebs, then reach the start space! Good luck!"
  • Spaces on Board: 24 (main track), 23 (shortest route), 50 (all tracks).
  • Minigame Rewards: 1 spider or 15 cobwebs, depending on mini-game.

Track A

Board space Type Effect
1 Reward Receive 5 cobwebs
2 Movement Move forward three spaces
3 Minigame Play a minigame
4 Movement Move back four spaces
5 Minigame Play a minigame
6 Reward Receive 5 cobwebs
7 Choice/Movement Choose to go to Track B
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, move forward four spaces
8 Choice Choose to go to Track C
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, no effect
9 Movement Move forward four spaces
10 Reward Receive 5 cobwebs
11 Choice/Minigame Choose to go to Track D
Continue on Track A; if continuing on Track A, play a minigame
12 Minigame Play a minigame
13 Roll Roll again
14 Purchase Teleport to start: 30 cobwebs
Steal spider from other player: 50 cobwebs
Do nothing
15 Purchase Teleport to start: 30 cobwebs
Steal spider from other player: 50 cobwebs
Do nothing
16 Purchase Teleport to start: 30 cobwebs
Steal spider from other player: 50 cobwebs
Do nothing
17 Normal No effect
18 Roll Roll again
19 Movement Move forward two spaces
20 Minigame Play a minigame
21 Movement Move forward three spaces
22 Minigame Play a minigame
23 Movement Move back five spaces
24 Start No effect
Win game if other prerequisites are completed

Track B

Board space Type Effect
1 Choice/Minigame Choose to go back to Track A
Continue on Track B; if continuing on/entering Track B, play a minigame
2 Minigame Play a minigame
3 Minigame Play a minigame
4 Movement Move back two spaces
5 Normal No effect
6 Minigame Play a minigame
7 Normal No effect
8 Movement Move back two spaces

Track C

Board space Type Effect
1 Minigame Play a minigame
2 Normal No effect
3 Minigame Play a minigame
4 Movement Move back three spaces
5 Movement Move forward two spaces
6 Minigame Play a minigame
7 Roll Roll again
8 Reward Receive 5 cobwebs
9 Movement Move back two spaces

Track D

Board space Type Effect
1 Choice Choose to go back to Track A
Continue on Track D; if continuing on/entering Track D, no effect
2 Roll Roll again
3 Minigame Play a minigame
4 Minigame Play a minigame
5 Movement Move forward three spaces
6 Roll Roll again
7 Reward Receive 5 cobwebs
8 Minigame Play a minigame
9 Movement Move forward three spaces


Greased Porkbutts[]

  • Probable Basis: Cow and Chicken (porkbutts are a favorite food of both Cow and Chicken, similar background, can be seen on the Tater Farm board)
  • Instructions: "Collect as many porkbutts as possible and return them to the pen! Press the A button to pick up a pig. Press the A button to make your opponent drop their pig! Holding the A button gives you a turbo boost."
  • Notes:
    • The player is given 30 seconds to complete the process of picking up a pig and taking it to the finish line as many times as possible. There is a three-second timer after a pig is picked up to return it to the finish line; if the pig is not there before the timer runs out, the player will drop the pig.
    • Because the player does not directly compete against other players in the minigames, but rather against the AI, if the minigame is being played as part of the actual game, the characters that the player competes against in this game are all characters that weren't selected by players. As a result, if there are four players selected, the player will only play against two AI competitors in this game, but if there are three or less selected (or if the game is played as a stand-alone minigame) the player will face three AI competitors.

Aim For The Fences[]

  • Probable Basis: Ed, Edd n Eddy (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Use the control pad to aim your slingshot, and press the A button to fire a water balloon. If you hit all three players in the quickest amount of time, you win!"
  • Notes:
    • The player has thirty seconds to hit all of the three characters on the fence with a water balloon.
    • When played during a game, this minigame will have a character representing the player, and this character will not appear on the fence. However, because the game is from the player's viewpoint, the player does not select a character when playing it as a selected minigame, and as a result any three characters can appear on the fence as targets in stand-alone mode (but not in regular gameplay mode).

H2 Uh Oh[]

  • Probable Basis: Ed, Edd n Eddy (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Move left and right to avoid the falling water balloons. Hold the A button to move faster!"

Strike A Pose[]

  • Probable Basis: Johnny Bravo (Carl as player character, similar background)
  • Instructions: "Follow the button combinations to strike a pose! If you're hit with a pie, you lose!"
  • Notes:
    • The player has to complete five poses with Carl. There is a ten-second timer for completing each pose. If time runs out or an incorrect button is pressed, a pie will be thrown into Carl's face.
    • There are three possible levels of difficulty; the first requires a four-button sequence for each pose, the second requires an eight-button sequence for each pose, and the hardest level requires a twelve-button sequence for each pose.

Zombeat The Clock[]

  • Probable Basis: Courage the Cowardly Dog (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Tag all the zombies with garlic to change them back to normal! If you change all three zombies back to normal in the quickest amount of time, you win! Hint: hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Notes:
    • There is a thirty second timer on this game.
    • Twelve seconds after being tagged, a freed character will go back to being a zombie if the game hasn't been won by then.

Backyard Boogie[]

  • Probable Basis: Ed, Edd n Eddy (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Run across the backyard without getting hit by the lawn tractors. If you run across the yard in the quickest amount of time without getting hit, you win! Hint: hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Notes:
    • There is a thirty-second clock, by which time the course must be finished.
    • Every character except for the player's character is on a riding mower.
    • The tractors go faster as the player advances through the course.
    • The fastest possible time is 4 seconds.

Fish Frenzy[]

  • Probable Basis: Johnny Bravo (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Catch as many fish as you can before time runs out! Press left and right to move your boat, and up and down to reel your line. Beware of the piranha! Press the A button repeatedly to get it off your hook in time!"
  • Notes:
    • There is a thirty-second time limit for this game.
    • The piranha move faster than the regular fish, and if one is hooked and not removed in time, the boat will be dragged to the bottom of the lake.

Grand Prix[]

  • Probable Basis: Cow and Chicken (similar background, can be seen on the Tater Farm board)
  • Instructions: "Use the control pad to steer your mower around the course. Use the A button to accelerate, and the B button to reverse."
  • Notes:
    • There are three laps to race through.
    • Because of the aforementioned AI opponents, when this game is played with fewer than four players equipped (or as a stand-alone game) there are three opponents, but when four players are equipped, there are only two opponents.

Skatin' the U[]

  • Probable basis: Ed, Edd n Eddy (similar background, can be seen on the Extreme Cul-de-Sac board)
  • Instructions: "Follow the button combinations to do tricks while in the air! Press left and right while in the U to skate faster."
  • Notes:
    • The player has thirty seconds to complete as many tricks as possible.
    • There are three levels of difficulty. On the easiest level, the tricks are done with one button; on the medium level, the tricks are done with two-button combos; and on the hardest level, the tricks are done with three-button combos.
    • There are three tricks that can be performed: the McTwist, the 50-50, and the 180 Air.

Hide N' Seek[]

  • Probable Basis: Courage the Cowardly Dog (the game takes place in the Bagges' living room)
  • Instructions: "Find all your friends before time runs out! Press the A button to check out every hiding place! If you find all three players in the quickest amount of time, you win! Hint: hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Notes:
    • There is a thirty-second time limit to find all players.
    • There are ten hiding places in total. Starting from the left side of the room, and going from top to bottom, these places are: the red chair, the treasure chest, the left-side curtains, the left-side couch, the television, the right-side couch, the right-side curtains, the dining table, the grandfather clock, and the cabinet.

Weremole Waltz[]

  • Probable Basis: Courage the Cowardly Dog (the game uses the weremole from "Night of the Weremole")
  • Instructions: "Move around the dance floor and collect cash without colliding with the waltzing moles! Hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Notes:
    • The player must survive for thirty seconds.
    • There are three difficulty settings in this game. The easiest involves two pairs of waltzing weremoles, the second involves three pairs of waltzing weremoles, and the hardest involves four pairs of waltzing weremoles.

Freaky Fireplace[]

  • Probable Basis: Courage the Cowardly Dog (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Put out all the fire before time runs out! Use the control pad to aim your slingshot, and press the A button to fire a water balloon!"
  • Note:
    • The player has thirty seconds to put out all the fires that spring up around and on the fireplace.


  • Probable Basis: Courage the Cowardly Dog (similar background, can be seen on the Katz's Creepy Castle board)
  • Instructions: "Move around the attic and collect as many bats as possible before time runs out. Press the A button to use your net. Hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Note:
    • There is a thirty-second time limit on this game.

Cold Cash Workout[]

  • Probable Basis: Johnny Bravo (similar background)
  • Instructions: "Move around the gym and collect cash without colliding with any flying objects! Hold the A button to move faster!"
  • Notes:
    • The player must survive for thirty seconds.
    • There are three difficulty settings in this game; with an increase in difficulty, the number of items flying around the room (and the speed of these items) increases.


Tournament Mode leads the player through all four boards in competition with up to three other players (or, if chosen, a computer opponent). Each board has the same goals, but a storyline is now attached to each mode of the game, better explaining why these goals have been selected.

At the Tater Farm, Mom and Dad have apparently purchased a potato farm as a profit-making venture. However, they believe that their children need more protein in their diet. When Cow and Chicken suggest that porkbutts contain protein, Mom and Dad both agree to this suggestion, and the players are sent to collect porkbutts. After this happens, the parents congratulate the winne and reward the winner with some of the money they made. The loser is rewarded with pork gristle.

In the Extreme Cul-de-Sac, the Eds are preparing for the big "King of the Cul-de-Sac" competition. Eddy is certain that he'll win, but Edd is not so sure; while he can help the Eds aerodynamics, the other competitors have raw talent. This leads into the game, where the players compete to win trophies and money. When the game concludes, Nazz gives out the awards, and reveals that Eddy would have won were there not a rule against the winner being a "snarky jerk head." As a result, the prize will instead go to the second-place finisher: the winning player. As Eddy laments the unfairness of this, Nazz reveals that the reward is a cool trophy that has been filled to the brim with jawbreakers.

Down on Planet Johnnywood, Carl has something special tonight: a date. Johnny Bravo, of course, is shocked by this but plans to help Carl out by making him everything the ladies love (because Johnny Bravo knows the ladies love Johnny Bravo). For this reason, he sends the players off to collect sweets (a pie), a black t-shirt, hair goo, fifty dollars, and a corn dog (because he's hungry). When the players return, Johnny dresses Carl up to look like him, but when his date arrives she is very unhappy with the results and refuses to go out with Carl. Instead, she takes the winning player out to dinner while Johnny consoles Carl, saying she wasn't Carl's type anyway.

Over in Katz's Creepy Castle, Katz has captured Courage's owners and tied them up. Courage is attempting to find them, but Katz warns that the dog will make a good meal for his pets. As a result, the players are sent in to collect spiders and cobwebs, clearing the way for Courage. This allows Courage to rescue his owners and save the day.


  • [Mom, Dad, Cow, and Chicken are all standing outside their house, which has a for sale sign in front of it.]
    Mom: "Do we have everything, honey?"
    Dad: "I think so. C'mon kids!"
    Chicken: "Sure, they read one book on farming, and they think they're experts."
    Cow: "What kind of farming, big brother?"
    Chicken: "Taters. Spuds. Tubers. Po-ta-toes."
    Cow: "I like taters."
    Chicken: "Good for you, Cow."
    Cow: "With butter and cheese."
    Chicken: "Whatever. As long as you don't say chicken."

  • [The family has arrived at the farm.]
    Mom: "You know honey, the kids can't just eat taters all day."
    Dad: "Well, well, guess we'll have to get them some protein. What's got a lot of protein?"
    Mom: "Soy beans?"
    Dad: "Tofu?"
    Chicken: "Porkbutts!" [He and his sister dance excitedly.]
    Dad: "Porkbutts it is!"

  • [The game is over. Four porkbutts have been collected.]
    Mom: "Thank you all for collecting so many porkbutts! Let's eat!" [to the winner] "And special thanks to you! We're going to share half the profits of Tater Farm with you!"
    [The winning character celebrates.]
    Dad: "We've also got lots of tasty pork gristle. You want some?"
    [The losing character screams.]

  • [The Eds are standing next to a half-pipe.]
    Eddy: "How's the Board and Bike Shop going, guys?"
    Ed: "Okaaaaaay."
    Edd: "Yes, Eddy, we sold a spoke this morning."
    Eddy: "Great! The big King of the Cul-de-Sac competition is this Friday, and I'm gonna win it for us!"
    Edd: "I don't know about that, Eddy–there's a lot of competition. I've been working on our aerodynamics, but the other competitors seem to have raw talent, which will be difficult to overcome."
    Eddy: "Relax, Double D. Thanks to your ingenuity and my coolness, I'm ready to go for it!"
    Ed: "What about me, Eddy? I helped, right?"
    Edd: "Uh, of course, Ed. You were the inspiration. Isn't that right, Eddy?"
    Eddy: "Sure, whatever. There'll be jawbreakers for you when I win."
    Edd: "Don't you mean, if you win? Good luck, Eddy!" [He gulps.]

  • [Nazz, the Eds, and the winning player have gathered at the half-pipe. Nazz is presenting the winner.]
    Nazz: "And we have our winner! The King of the Cul-de-Sac is...Eddy?" [after a pause] "Oops, wait a minute. It says in the rules that contestants can't be snarky jerk heads, so Eddy, you are dis-qualified!"
    Eddy: "What? You've got to be kidding me!"
    Nazz: "The second place finisher is now the winner!"
    [The winning player celebrates.]
    Eddy: "Somebody smack me. I'm dreaming."
    Edd: "You're not sleeping, Eddy."
    Nazz: "And as a special treat, the winner's cup is...full of jawbreakers!"
    The Eds: "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

  • [Johnny Bravo is hanging out downtown.]
    Johnny Bravo: "Hey, baby. What's happenin'?"
    Carl: "Hey, Johnny."
    Johnny Bravo: "What's shaking, Carl?"
    Carl: "Got a date tonight."
    Johnny Bravo: "Hey, congrats, amigo. Gonna get dressed up soon?"
    Carl: "I am dressed."
    Johnny Bravo: "Listen, Carl. You need to get snazzy if you want to impress a lady. Lemme help ya." [He comes forward and looks Carl over.] "Whoa. This isn't going to be easy. Buddy, you're gonna need a few things. First, a black t-shirt. Next, some fancy hair goo. Then, sweets for the sweet. And last, $50 of flash monayyyy. Chicks dig the dollars!"
    Carl: "I guess so." [He sighs.]
    Johnny Bravo: "Don't worry, Carl. Ol' Johnny's gonna hook you up."

  • [Carl is now dressed like Johnny Bravo.]
    Carl's date: "Eeeeew! Carl, what did you do?"
    Johnny Bravo: "S'matter, dollface–he's almost as studly as me, Johnny Bravo!"
    Carl's date: "Eeesh! Creeps everywhere!" [to the winning player] "Wanna go to dinner?"
    [Carl's date exits with the winning player.]
    Johnny Bravo: "Ahhhh...she wasn't right for ya, anyway, Carly ol' boy."
    [Johnny Bravo and Carl dance.]

  • [Katz has captured and tied up Muriel and Eustace.]
    Katz: "That foolish dog will never challenge me."
    Muriel: "Oh my. I don't like these ropes. And where's Courage?"
    Eustace: [snoring] "Zzzzzzz..."
    Muriel: "Wake up, Eustace!"

  • [Courage is searching Katz's castle.]
    Courage: "K-k-k-kinda scary around here. But this is where Eustace and Muriel w-w-were t-t-t-taken t-t-to. I–" [he gulps] "–g-g-gotta save 'em."
    Katz: [offscreen] "Enter...if you dare...you'll be fun for my petsssss..."

  • [Courage has found his owners.]
    Muriel: "Good heavens, what a mess. Thank you so much."
    Eustace: "I can't seem to get out of this confounded webbing." [He manages to break out of his bonds.] "Ah, that's more like it."


  • Despite being on the front cover, Ed does not appear in the game as a playable character.
    • He does appear (alongside Edd) in two cutscenes in tournament mode for the Extreme Cul-de-Sac level.
  • This game is advertised on the back of the instruction manual for Cartoon Network Speedway.
  • Lawn mowers appear in two different mini-games (Backyard Boogie and Grand Prix). Each character is given a different colored lawn mower:
    • Eddy: Green with a yellow mark on the front
    • Sarah: Blue
    • Courage: Pink
    • Johnny Bravo: Gold
    • Cow: Burnt Orange
    • Chicken: Silver/Gray
  • Club Ed is referenced in the game with the "Club Ed Zip Line" on the Extreme Cul-de-Sac board.
  • The Candy Store can be seen on the Extreme Cul-de-Sac board.
  • The maximum amount of dollars, cobwebs, or taters that any one player can possess is 150.
  • In both "Zombeat The Clock" and "Hide N' Seek," each character will face a specific trio of opponents every time:
    • Eddy: Sarah, Cow, and Chicken
    • Sarah: Johnny Bravo, Cow, and Chicken
    • Courage: Eddy, Sarah, and Cow
    • Johnny Bravo: Eddy, Sarah, and Courage
    • Cow: Courage, Johnny Bravo, and Chicken
    • Chicken: Eddy, Courage, and Johnny Bravo
  • In Tournament Mode, the story of the Extreme Cul-de-Sac ends with Eddy disqualified and the prize going to the second-place finisher–the player who won that board. If the game is played with Eddy as the player, this results in two Eddys onscreen, one annoyed and angry (in-game character) and the other celebrating (player character).


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