Ed, Edd n Eddy

Eddy's Big Kahuna Surf School was a scam that was done in "Gimme, Gimme Never Ed." The scam was a surf school that taught various moves and tricks of surfing (incorrectly though). The lessons were taught in a kiddie pool by Edd. The surfboard that they taught on was merely just a fencepost or a scrap of wood. The scam's only seen customer was Jimmy. At first, all was going good, but then they needed a wave to surf on. In order to do this, Eddy ordered Ed to jump into the pool from atop a lifeguard tower. However, the wave he made was so big that it sent everyone over the fence. When Eddy realized that all the water was gone, the scam was ruined. The scam may have been successful though, as Jimmy was never seen getting a refund, and it's safe to presume that he paid upfront.

