Ed, Edd n Eddy

Find Out Your Hat Size is a scam that Eddy came up with in "Stuck in Ed." He only managed to come up with the scam after an episode's worth of being unable to come up with anything, to the point where he even devised a scam where he would pay people for their scam ideas. However, he was eventually able to come up with a scam, specifically this one. It had only one customer in the form of Kevin, who sarcastically expressed interest before revealing that he had spent all his money at Jimmy's scam, which was incidentally one of the two scams that Eddy rejected.

Possible Sizes

  • Bird
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 3 1/2
  • 4 (Ed's size as demonstrated)
  • 5


See Also
